Sunday, January 26, 2014

Senior Models Wanted

Calling All 2014-2015 Seniors!!

I am currently looking for Senior Models to become Senior Reps for our new Senior Portrait Sessions. Do you know a Junior or Senior that loves to be in front of the camera? Someone that is involved in sports/clubs at their school? Someone with an out going personality? If you know someone that is all those things and more then they are exactly who we are looking for. Now if all of that sounds great but you're still asking what is a Senior Rep? Well here it is, a Senior Rep is someone who will help me get the word out to their fellow friends about our Senior Portrait Sessions. They can also earn print credits towards their own session. How do you become one you might ask? Well its simple all they would need to do is contact me here for an application. Once that is filled out a returned it will be viewed. I will be making all announcements on February 7, 2014. Good Luck to everyone.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Good-Bye 2013 and Hello 2014

As I sit back and reflect on 2013 I am so Thankful for everyone that has given me the opportunity to capture a special moment in their life. Many of you may not know this but this year started off very rough for me. I said good-bye to a job I loved and decide to make photography my full time job. At first I didn't know how I would actually make this work but as the count down to 2014 begins I am proud to say I made it and loved every bit of my journey. There were some hard times but there has definitely been some great moments. I have met some amazing people and have seen some beautiful families grow. I know every photographer says this but I seriously feel I have the best clients. Without all of you I wouldn't have been able to make this happen. As we leave 2013 behind and began 2014 I want you all to know that I am truly grateful to all of you and I look forward to capturing many more beautiful moments in you and your families lives.

These are just a few of the many beautiful people I have met and photographed.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Portrait Contest Giveaway

Two Weeks ago I started a Portrait Contest on Facebook and I was very shocked and honored with all the sharing everyone did. Many of you that entered shared the image multiple times which in return gave you multiple entries. I truly appreciated everyone that entered and wanted to win so that they could have their photo taken by me. All names were entered in a random name selector and chosen

With all that being said the WINNER to our first ever Portrait Contest Giveaway is.......

Jessica Hutchinson

Our next WINNER of a $25 credit towards their next portrait session is.....

Monica Daneshmand

and our last set of WINNERS whom receive a $15 credit towards their next Portrait Session is...

Jamie Smallwood and Anny Hooper

Congrats to all the WINNERS. Please contact me to find out when and how to redeem your prize.

Again Thank you to everyone that entered, and those that won I look forward to Capturing you Special Moments

Friday, March 22, 2013


Hey All! So I'm finally getting around to blog about this photo shoot. I had the pleasure of having this beautiful young lady model for me. I love shooting outdoors in nature. It's something beautiful about being surrounded by trees, grass and dirt. Jessica told me she wasn't a model but let me tell you she knew what she was doing. This was a fun shoot and I can't wait to shoot her again.


Even barefoot and on hot dirt she manages to look so beautiful


Monday, January 28, 2013

Crane Family

I know Christmas is over but I didn't get a chance to post these then. I had the pleasure of shooting Family Christmas photo for this beautiful family. I have know the Corey(The Dad) since he was little. His sister and I have know each other since we were in first grade. To see him now as a father is such a beautiful thing.Corey and Shaneice have two beautiful children and a lovely family


Sunday, January 27, 2013

T & R Wedding

I had such a wonderful year in 2012 and it ended with a bang. I had the pleasure of shooting photos of this beautiful couples wedding. While shooting the wedding it was very clear that they were very much in love but I saw that as a couple they had a whole team of family and friends that loved them. It was so beautiful to watch. Congrats to the happy couple.